How is it that Democrats keep coming up with such terrible candidates.
Anyone that has watch Biden first deny he knew anything about the Flynn investigation and then pretend he misunderstood the question the next day when proof comes out he did know about it… begins to ask what else is Biden lying about.
From what I understand, quite a bit will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
Is Biden lying about Ukraine?
Is Biden lying about Tara Reade?
In recent weeks, Biden has shown a propensity to deny and then modify his story as the facts come out. Now if lying was a crime, then most politicians would be serving time in jail… but it does suggest, that anyone voting against Trump because he lies… might as well stay home this November.
Or can Biden really not remember? A real possibility, that raises other questions about his fitness to serve. Seriously, listening to Biden does anyone really think he is still capable of being President. There are so many reasons not to vote for Biden, its hard to put one’s figure on what is the most compelling one.
For those that “bleed” Democrat through and through, logic will never sway them, but for others, a vote for Biden is a vote where you have no idea who will be running the country and for how long and where they will try to take the country. Those who justify voting for Biden as a “placeholder”… well, that is a really lame reason.
Ever since Obama left office the Democratic party has argued that they are the party to lead us into the future, while bringing up candidates whose prime political careers were in the last millennia.
Specific to Tara Reade, the facts are pretty compelling that Biden did something. Given Biden’s history of “touching women”, there is probably some fire in all that smoke. Did he do everything Reade alleges, does it matter?
As a father of four daughters, I am more disappointed with the women who have failed to demand the same kind of investigation they demanded for Kavanaugh. If what someone did in high school is important, then what someone did while in Congress would seem to be more important. Are Democrats all about winning, while pretending to be for women?
If those Democrats on the Judicial Senate Committee could argue Kavanaugh was unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, then how can they say Biden is fit to be President.
I do agree Biden should be considered innocent until proven guilty… I don’t think if someone does something inappropriate that they should be marked for life as a “sexual predator”. Signals can be misread and people do stupid things. I think a full investigation will show Biden can be “creepy” around women, but I expect it will not show he was a sexual predator. But is that who Democrats want as the face of their party given their moral arguments against Trump?
Is Biden really the best the Democrats can do? Is he the one they want leading them into the future. Maybe losing this November is what the Democrats need to truly clean house of their 1990 politicians and search among their party for those up and coming leaders that better represent where the party is going.
Personally, I hope those candidates come out of the Midwest or South, where Democratic politicians seem to be more grounded in traditional classical liberalism and not the more scary progressive liberalism that has infected the party these days.
It is getting late for the Democrats to change horses… but for so many reasons, that Democrats find themselves trying to prop up someone that couldn’t get elected in his prime and he is now way past his prime. Not every old white guy is “past his prime”. In some ways, Bernie Sanders is just hitting his stride… but Biden is no Sanders… in fact, he is no Joe Biden.