Michael F Schundler
3 min readSep 25, 2022


Hopefully, you are intelligent enough to know the difference between climate change, something that has gone on for millions of years and the exaggerated predictions of doom and gloom.

NASA photos show to date the planet has benefit from global warming. Previously, when this happened previously uninhabited and subsequently uninhabited places emerged as locations with abundant life. You might enjoy researching the once booming colony on Greenland during the Viking age, before the climate cooled and they were forced to leave or die.


You might also enjoy the recent studies that show there has been zero increase in wildfires, hurricanes, and all these other climate disasters people say are the product of global warming. Turns out they have been a relatively normal level. There has been a tendency to do climate attribution to natural disasters with little proof the slightly warming climate caused them.

All the evidence points to the climate change expected to occur over the next 100 years will be a net positive to the planet. Notice, I said "net". Some places will benefit, and others will suffer.

So, the real question is not whether climate change is happening or not happening, but why people think trying to stop it... is "natural" or even desirable and most importantly possible...

If as some scientists suggest while man has contributed to climate change natural trends are far more impactful and if as NASA studies show the planet is benefiting from the recent trend in warming... shouldn't the right response be how should we adapt to this positive change rather than stop it?

Somehow you have been convinced that stopping climate change is important... but there actually is no scientific basis for that assertion unless and until CO2 levels begin to exceed 1000 PPM... so far that is not likely. So, what does 1000 PPM feel like?

When you go to bed to tonight, close the window and doors to your room, when you wake up, your room will be about 1000 PPM of CO2. If you are married and you and your spouse slept in the room, when you woke up did you feel terrible? That would be about 1400 PPM of CO2.

Open up the door and it drops to 650 PPM of CO2, about 50% higher than our atmosphere and about where they think the world might get to over the next few decades.

If you drive to work in cold weather with the windows closed, your car gets up to 1900 PPM of CO2... how do you feel?

The point is humans are able to function quite well at substantially higher levels of CO2 and plants don't function quite well, they function spectacularly.

Climate change is real, but the political messaging is a huge lie... it is foolish to deny the climate is changing, it is always changing and presently it is getting warmer, and the air has more CO2, those are both good things.

Last critical point, studies show the equator is not getting hotter, the planet is amazing at siphoning off warm air from the equator and dumping it towards the poles... what is happening is the largely uninhabitable northern land areas are becoming far more inhabitable. Study the science... don't get swept up in the politics... It is hard to find anything not tainted with politics on this subject.

But if you read honest studies, they all admit that global warming has been good for the planet. The best study on the subject suggests that humans have helped to delay the onset of what should be a cyclical cooling phase for the planet.




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