History will likely judge Trump fondly and the Democrats actions during his presidency harshly. The Democrats are in fact turning Trump into a martyr and that has already begun a movement among Republican and independents that in two years will leave Biden wondering what happened.
Like Obama, Biden will have a Congress solidly in Republican hands within 2 years, but more willing to act against the President based on the roadmap laid down by the Democrats.
Just as Harry Reid created implemented the changes that led to the Republicans using the nuclear option to push through judicial appointments. Nancy Pelosi has established the new ground rules for removing a President... simply get a majority of the Congress to go along with it for whatever reason...
Love Trump or hate Trump he did not use the state to suppress civil rights, nor did he condone the media censoring speech or any other restrictions of civil rights and liberties.
The nation had nothing to fear from Trump ever... and he granted states enormous autonomy in how they conducted their business.
Now the Democrats will try to impose their views and ideology on the country where half the country wants no part of it. The blowback will be serious and I pray that people restrict themselves to the voting booth to exercise their dissatisfaction...