Here is what I have seen. I cannot provide texts...
If a student reports that they overheard another student say racist things, that report becomes part of that student's record unless the student or school can prove the report untrue... In other words, people a presumption of guilt. This record will follow the student through his or her academic career and can impact their acceptance to graduate schools.
It also happens in the workplace...
I was accused of racism by someone who worked for me and was Native American.
If I were racist, then why did I hire her in the first place? She was mad, that she did get a promotion because I did not recommend her. Frankly, she was not very good, and it had nothing to do with her race.
Fortunately, the fact that my wife was a minority, and I had a record of promoting more women and more minorities to executive positions (over 50% of the VPs in my department were women and two of them were minorities, that accusation did not stick. But it did go into my record even after HR did an investigation and found the accusation not true. Imagine if someday, the Board of Directors were considering me as the CEO and read I was accused of racism... why take a chance, right? And that really stinks.
This presumption of guilt even extended to Kavanaugh. In a hearing where Ford accused Kavanaugh of things that happened 30 years ago in high school and could not remember the date or the place, one should presume innocence especially after an extensive investigation no one could put Kavanaugh and Ford at the same party. No one.
Yet all of the Democrats were prepared to believe Ford and ruin Kavanaugh's career over it. Since that date not a single shred of evidence has emerged to support Ford's testimony. Given how badly, Democrats would like to impeach Kavanaugh and now that the FBI and DOJ work for Biden, if any evidence exists it should have been found. He was almost "cancelled" without nothing more than one woman's testimony which was filled with holes (I am not saying it did not happen, but it is very unlikely it did, given how much effort was put into proving it did happen). I think if Kavanaugh did not keep a diary documenting where he was on every day that summer, he might never have been confirmed.
With the majority of my children and grandchildren being POCs either Asian or African, I oppose and condemn racism. But I have also seen it used as a weapon so many times in my career, that I go by a simple belief...
If someone is racist, there will be a "pattern" of racism in their behavior. Absent such a pattern, I am not going to get worked up by something someone says. Yet increasingly, people have been cancelled because of single incident.
This article highlights the emerging problem in America that is far more serious than a few students getting spanked (though I don't condone that either).
In a world where it seems everything is being "weaponized", "cancel" culture is right up there. And it starts in school these days.