Michael F Schundler
2 min readJul 25, 2022


Here is how Guttmacher summarized their study. They spin it differently, but what comes through is there was no medical need for an abortion and the reasons in my previous post align with their summary.


I have no issue with late term abortions involving a baby unlikely to survive childbirth, where a mother's life it at risk, where the baby has died in the womb. At that point, the baby's right to life has terminated or is subordinate to a mother's right to life.

But abortions involve two people and you want to ignore the "other person". And that is precisely why abortion laws exist. If the woman is no longer focusing on the baby's needs and acting in the baby's self interest and just her own, then the baby nees a "guardian" to look after it until it can do so on its own.

I suspect you have never witnessed a late term abortion or talked to people that have. I ran an OB/GYN group of 60 OBs and only two would do late term abortions that were not medically necessary. It is a brutal and horiffic procedure, first the physician has to smash the babies head so it fits through the vagina. Then the physician pulls the baby out piece by piece. Then they put the dead baby together to make sure they got all the pieces.

Check out the photo below and imagine that baby coming out in pieces. If you are okay with that, it says a lot about you. My guess is this is an ideological argument for you, since very few people that have witnessed a late term abortion support elective abortions including 58 out of 60 OBs that I had the privelege to work with.


This is not about ideology, it is about biology.



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