Have you every looked up the definition of a fetus… according to Webster…
an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
Progressives redefining words doesn’t change reality. The whole “fetus/baby” argument is so tiresome and weak…
The American College of Pediatrics defines human life as beginning…
“The American College of Pediatricians concurs with the body of scientific evidence that corroborates that a unique human life starts when the sperm and egg bind to each other in a process of fusion of their respective membranes and a single hybrid cell called a zygote, or one-cell embryo, is created.”
All respected scientific and medical organizations agree with this definition. Interestingly even among “pro choice” biologists and “biologists that identify as very liberal” between 70–90% concur with the definition above depending on the survey.
The issue of abortion revolves around when an unborn baby has legal standing and hence legal rights to protection by the state of his or her life. Only science deniers try to make the silly argument that a fetus is not an unborn baby, when the definition is such.
If you can’t get past the idea that abortion involves an unborn baby… then you need to deal with that… not deny reality.