Harris is in over her head as is much of Biden's cabinet. Nothing reinforces the problem of "equity politics" than her. If a politician insists on "playing" equity politics, then their job becomes even harder, since they reduce the field of potential candidates for a position based on skin color, religion, culture, or whatever other discriminatory criteria they have chosen.
As a CEO, I was against discrimination and would fire people I felt were discriminating, because those people were denying my company the best talent in favor of a personal prejudice. There is no room for that in business or government.
But if you "must" discriminate, then do your homework and pick someone good from the reduced field of candidates.
I was asked to hire Lationos by my company because even though my department met the government contract diversity guidelines the company did not. I told Human Resources then go to the schools bring me the best Lations graduates to hire and increase my budget to make sure I can pay them enough to attract them to the company and I will hire Latinos, but I won't hire "deadweight". My point was there are talented Latinos to be hired, but when you shrink the field of candidates available based on discriminatory criteria, the job is harder, but it can still get done.
The same is true for Biden. He stuffed his cabinet and the VP slot with people that fit a diversity matrix and but limited himself to largely bureaucrats. And people wonder why the country is screwed up. Our country has a huge reservoir of talented people and if you insist on filling slots based on skin color, culture, and other non job specific critieria, then do the work and find the best.