Happy Birthday, America

Michael F Schundler
2 min readJul 4, 2021


When I read all these criticisms about America several things come to mind. First and foremost, we remain by far the number one country in the world where people of color choose to immigrate to. Number 1. More than 150 million people worldwide or nearly 50% of the present US population would immigrate to America if they could. My wife is an immigrant from Asia. My son’s wife is an African woman from Zimbabwe, my daughter’s husband was an African man from Nigeria. Each year a disproportional percentage of new legal immigrants are people of color, likewise a disproportionate number of people entering this country are people of color. Something to ponder on.

This stands as a strong argument against the theories that somehow our country is racist. I listened a historian recently opine on why university intellectuals are so focused at attacking America. His answer was relevance. Our country has made such massive strives towards equality, that equality is not longer out of reach. And so, to be relevant intellectuals had to find a “new issue” to shout about, that issue in one form or another is “equity”.

Interestingly, the historian pointed out that there is very little support for what these intellectuals are saying from working class minorities as evidenced by Trump’s support which came mostly from working class Americans including minorities. Most are quite satisfied with our country.

The historian made an interesting point. When a “movement” arises from the poorer segment of society, it reflects anger with how society is operating. When a “movement” arises out of the “ivory towers” of American universities, it reflects a desire to be controversial and relevant. Ponder this for awhile… are we being “played”.

Sadly, these intellectuals are often in a position to poison society with their nonsense. Few take the time to look at the standards of living of these so called “prophets” to see if they practice what they preach. Be they politicians or academics or media moguls, they are the very essence of hypocrites when they criticize society and then take no steps regarding their personal lives to pursue what they think society should be. Anyone think Nancy Pelosi is going to sell her gated homes and give away her wealth in the name of “equity”. It is in essence virtue signaling… to gain relevance.

So this 4th of July we should celebrate being the best nation on earth. The great work begun with the Declaration of Independence to create a nation where all men and women have equal rights is not complete, but we have come along way. As a more pragmatic person once said, the greatest measure of a society is “footprints”. If the “footprints” are headed toward a society, it is doing things better than other societies… if those “footprints” are headed away, it is doing worse than other societies…

Finally, for those with an open mind, watch the “footprints” in America… where are people moving to and where are people moving from… it is a lot more revealing than some intellectual or politician posturing about which state has the best policies.

Happy birthday, America!



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