Michael F Schundler
2 min readSep 6, 2020


Great August employment report... Trump's economy is rising from the pandemic ashes... the two groups that benefited most in August according to the employment report were Hispanic women and African American men... but Biden wants to shutdown the economy if the country gets hit by a second wave of virus which many studies show disproportionately hurts minorities.

When will Democrats learn, racism is best expressed by how people are treated by the economy. Without opportunities minorities will remain poor and oppressed. Numerous studies show racism and prejudice are reinforced or broken down by the economy. When economies slow that "fight over the pie" always descends into identity group struggles, when the economy expands there is "room" for everyone.

Biden's policies will be a windfall for the wealthy and a disaster for the poor especially poor minorities...

Half of my children are mixed race... more than 80% of my grandchildren are African American... stop screwing with their future by supporting Biden who is going to create a society where things are allocated and not earned.

This society ends badly every time, no matter the promises it makes. There is only one way to help the poor, get them jobs. 97% of families with at least one family member working full time after adjusting for existing income credits under our tax system live above the poverty line... the other 75% of Americans living in poverty have no family member working full time... no matter how many entitlements they receive...

Wake up... smell the coffee... poverty under Trump was at an all time low for this century... who do you think benefited most? Women and minorities according to the BLS reports.

As a conservative who believes in the market, why would I not hire the best person for the job, if my goal is to make the most money I can. Why take a "pay cut" to hire someone with less skills because they are the "right" color. Now under the Democratic proposals, if you are the best person for the job but are an African American female and I have my quota of African American females at my company but I need Hispanic men, then you are screwed.

Don't think this every happens, then you have not had to fill out an Affirmative Action report for a contract requiring your employment workforce mimics that of the community... Locate your company in a heavily Hispanic area and other minorities gets screwed for not being the right minority.



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