God, as the Creator, created everything including Satan. Both Satan and the other angels appear to have a degree of free will like humans do. Job makes reference to Satan as do other Biblical passages.
The Bible is replete with the concept of humans being divided into two groups and that one group will spend an eternity with God and the other won't. But that division is not based on who sinned and who did not... everyone in both groups sinned and sinned throughout their lives.
To many preachers focus on "works"...that is sad, because it leads to concerns over observable behaviors rather than the spiritual relationship with God.
I also think you dismiss the fact that most people are subject to compulsive sinful behavior that they can't seem to escape suggesting that other forms of behavior can be more easily resisted than homosexual desires. That simply is not true. While we can all resist sin, but even when we overcome one expression of sin, it will reappear elsewhere in another form.
So rather than focus on one own's sin or even worse, the sin of others, focus on developing one's relationship with God and be thankful that God knew the foibles of humans and so provided the means to have our sins forgiven in order to redirect our focus from our sin to our relationship with God.
I think to many churches focus on guilt. While Jesus loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul and loving your neighbor as yourself. In effect, simplifying the Ten Commandments into two simple commandments.
The various Churches have been corrupted by man over the centuries and often that corruption takes the form of trying to make people feel guilty to manipulate them rather than focusing on the redemption power of Jesus's sacrifice and the desire of God to have relationship with us.