Go back and check your science... science points to creator... the 50% number relates to characteristics of the creator. The core physics issue is that since one of the laws of physics is that matter and energy cannot create matter or energy but only transform from one form to another, it required a "supernatural" force to create the original energy.
The person that claims to know there is no God, essentially declares themselves God. For that is the only way one could have certainty. Not believing in God is something entirely different.
You have a great deal of faith. Have you every played the game where you fall backward and people catch you. You had faith they would catch. When you drive on the road every day, you have faith people will follow traffic laws. Your life could not operate without faith.
But you make a good point, what price do we as humans pay for our "free will" to do good or evil. Would we better off if God had simply intervened every time, we wanted to do evil?
Interesting in your examples, you highlight the sinful nature of man and that given freewill we often use it for evil purposes. Hence our need for a Savior.
I will pray for you. You seem to be struggling. You might want to read the Book of Job in the Bible; he asks the same questions you do (though less graphically).