Glad you are consistent.
I don't think Schumer, Biden, Trump, or even Hillary Clinton had Obama's gift of speaking. How do you call 75 million Americans deplorable when you are running to be their leader unless you are saying they don't count as far as you are concerned?
I have heard Trump speak often and it never caused me to want to commit violence. I guess I have heard him rant enough, that it just seems to be his style.
With Schumer it was far worse. While he often rants, this particular rant caused me to step back and think, what the hell is he thinking threatening judges while they are deliberating on a major ruling that will change the whole law surrounding abortions... which itself is a volatile issue.
So, I guess we differ on which is more dangerous. But I think we both agree the politicians and the media should be cognizant that words can incite even when not intended to and as such they should choose them more carefully... though I suspect such advice is going nowhere.