Forcing Moderate Democrats to Walk the Plank
The Democrats have really missed the point of the 2018 election. They won control of the House by winning the support of voters in “pro Trump” Districts. These moderates ran (including the one in my district) on policies like health care and went out of their way to say they were not running against Trump. Voters believed them… and voted for them… because they were not running against Trump, but on a set of policies that voters embraced.
People wanted Congress to work out “solutions”. Instead they got a rabid Democratic party that spent far to much effort trying to impeach a President these voters supported and not enough effort passing legislation that mattered to these voters.
Health care… USMCA… Immigration reform… and Infrastructure spending to name a few…
Now these same Democrats are being pushed to “walk the plank” and vote to impeach Trump. A few will be allowed to vote against impeachment as long as enough do to get the impeachment vote in the House through. But the message will be heard loud and clear in pro Trump Democratic districts that their representatives did not only not get anything done on policies they promised, but instead were coerced by the leaders of the Democratic party to impeach Trump… the President that these voters elected. Ouch… talk about a failure to represent one’s constituents.
While far left Democrats may love the whole impeachment process, they won’t decide the election. Far left Democrats primarily reside in districts that the Democrats own. In districts up for grabs, far more Democrats are moderates and independents tend to be more moderate than the average independent in more liberal and conservative districts.
They wanted policy, but all they hear about is personality… let me translate how this is heard…
“We want power and the only way we will get it is to remove Trump”
Is this the message Democrats want to send to swing districts?
Americans are not stupid. This blatant attempt to seize power by disrupting the country through an impeachment process is going no where, seems corrupt.
Pelosi desire to hold on to power in the face of a more unified left wing of the Democratic party has forced her hand and in doing so… will cause many moderate freshman Democrats to “walk the plank” next year. Sadly, many of them have no choice… do the “right thing” for their constituents and they will get “primaried”… do the right thing according to their party and they will lose in the Fall election…
At one time the Democrats bragged that their tent was a big tent… but it seems to be getting smaller…