For the young and poor, there are some vacations out there at prices that are hard to believe. My daughter is a single mother who gets nothing from the father of her child. But she wanted to enjoy life after a tough two years of Covid. So, she went on a cruise with her daughter. She bought the cheapest tickets available and then "bid" on a suite. With so few people crusing she won the suite and the two tickets combined cost her $1000.
$1000 is not an insignificant amount of money and with excursions the total cost came closer to $2000. But they had an amazing vacation. To pay for the trip she put in a combination of 8 extra shifts at work in January and early February and picked up some UberEats hours.
Now she is the one sharing the vacation photos! My only point is for those that don't have a lot of extra cash who are fully vaccinated or have natural immunity... are young and healthy... this might be the time to take one of the "those vacations of a lifetime" and giving the labor shortage, there should be work available to pick up the extra "shifts" to pay for it.