For the record the Democrat party have pretty much dismissed Warren’s misrepresentations of being a “victim” of sex discrimination. And Warren has smudged the reputation of a group of people for her political benefit. That alone should give people pause.
The school system has produced a letter sent to Warren offering her a contract for the next year by “unanimous consent”. In other words, everyone favored giving her another year, no men were trying to fire her because she was pregnant. A video of Warren speaking on the matter also disputes her current claim, where she says she did not have the right education for the job and so she wanted to go back to graduate school, no where in the video does she suggest she was discriminated against. So was Warren lying then or now?
Warren will not be, if elected, the first Native American woman President who was discriminated against because of her gender during her career. She would be the first White woman President, who benefited both from her white privileged background growing up and then pretended to be Native American with no DNA evidence to secure posts where the school actually promoted her as a Native American hire.
Just as importantly in this age of “victim” politics, Warren simply cannot don the mantle of being a victim… it insults and diminishes women that have been real victims… They don’t deserve being thrown into the pool with “pretenders”, it undermines their cases when there is a history of liars claiming the same thing. Contrary to her assertion, Warren’s career shows she was not the “victim” but rather the beneficiary of both being white and pretending to be Native American. A neat trick when you can pull it off… not so neat when you are shown to be lying…
If you like Warren’s policies, then vote for her. But don’t vote for her because of her “plumbing”, or her pretense of being a minority, or a “victim” of gender discrimination. Why does Warren rely on lies to curry votes…
I will credit Warren with regard to her policies. While I don’t like them, she has put her policies out there, so like Trump, you know what she is for and against. She does fail to accurately describe how she would fund them and has been accused of such by some of her fans including late night talking hosts. But at least you know where she stands.
I am a bit troubled at how she can accuse Trump of abuse of power, when her own position on many issues is that within 90 days she will implement executive orders that feel and look a lot like “legislation”. She’s running for President… not dictator…