For the most part, African Americans and other minorities have pursued segregation in recent years. This segregation has even devolved into wanting segregated dorms on college campuses and segregated graduation ceremonies.
While these segregationist practices are largely being pushed by minorities not whites, I have deep concerns with both the message and the result. While there may be reasons to favor segregation in the end, it tends to support identity based on skin color and that leads to racism... from all races towards all races.
Several recent studies have pointed to the fact that identity politics has led to a surge in racist views by all races towards all races. That is not good. Progressive liberal politicians have used racism to advance their political ambitions, Biden's recent speech at Moorehouse University was disgusting.
I embrace MLK's vision of America vs Malcolm X's vision. As a nation we need to pursue integration not separatism. Integrations has three phases, and all three phases will forever be going on concurrently.
1) the lowest level of integration are legal prohibitions against discrimination
2) the next level of integration is social integration. This happens when skin color begins to disappear with respect to who individuals choose to socialize with, date, and marry
3) biological integration. Mixed race children are the final goal of integration. At this point, a new people defined by values and beliefs will replace ethnicities and races defined by ancestry and skin color.
Some minorities fear this sort of integration as do some whites as it undermines how they identify and with whom. So, I will fight the fight with whites who want to promote segregation, but hopefully, you will do the same among African Americans.
California is a snapshot of the future of America demographically. European whites represent less than 25% of the population and African Americans are about half that. Non-European whites excluding Hispanics are about the same percent as African Americans, self-identified Hispanics are the largest demographic group, and Asian will likely move into third place within the next decade. Not surprisingly the fastest growing demographic group by far is mixed race.
There is no turning back, we need to embrace MLK's dream. Pandering to the distinct racial identity of adults is wrong and not promoting integration in the education of our children is outright deplorable. 60% of people under the age of 25 will date outside their identity group and high percentage will marry outside their identity group...
This is a free country and people do have the right to self-segregate, but let's not use public education dollars to support those activities. As for the Supreme Court reversing Brown v Board of Education... it can't happen because these days, the diversity of our population couldn't fund all the schools needed to support that kind of segregation. So, it is a bit alarmist. The bigger issue is what is being taught, let's teach children they are all distinct individuals, and they are Americans.