For every woman that demands abortion rights, another one insists on protecting unborn babies. Over 60% of women that identify as "pro-choice" favor limits on abortions... let that sink in.
The pro-life and pro-choice debate is largely a way to generate funding for political campaigns. The reality is most Americans both pro-life and pro-choice favor limitations on abortions and they agree on most of those limitations.
The major sticking point is at what point in a pregnancy should "elective" abortions be limited. "Pro-life" supporters generally favor a point in the first trimester and pro-chocie supporters favor a point in the second trimester.
Only the extreme groups, small in number but vocally loud oppose abortion for any reason or support elective late term abortions. That is simply the facts.
Those that want virtually no limits on abortions refuse to admit even in the face of overwhelming science, that an unborn baby is fully human. Those that want extreme limits placed on abortion ignore the rights women have and focus exclusively on the rights of the baby. And so, these small minority of people try to convince the vast majority of people to "take action" rather than sit down and work at the "parameters" that make sense in their respective states. Meanwhile, the poltiical contributions roll in....