Michael F Schundler
4 min readMar 4, 2021


First I am a bit shocked you were not aware that there were specific African communities including West Indian communities throughout the US… so to help you here is a list of cities with distinct West Indian communities within them…

List of West Indian communities in the United States — Wikipedia

I encountered this distinction quite frequently in Florida which if you look at the list of West Indian communities, Florida has more than any other state because of it is the primary point of entry for immigrating West Indians.

In addition, the West Indian communities in Florida, there are several Haitian communities which while Caribbean also have a distinctly different culture. Lastly, there is a substantial but more largely integrated African community in Florida who identify as Hispanics. Our friends from Guatemala while racially African identified themselves as Hispanic and saw no cultural identity with African Americans, West Indians, or Haitians.

NYC statistics…

Your New York City statistics again compare police encounters with the population as a whole… But let’s compare your numbers with the NYC crime rates…

year-end-2019-enforcement-report.pdf (nyc.gov)

African and Hispanic percentages

Murder and Non Negligent Manslaughter 93.2%
Rape 81.3%
Robbery 93.3%
Misdemeanor and Assault 84.1%
Shootings 96.4% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firearm arrests 94%

So based on the crime statistics, if you were trying to use your resources to prevent crimes which group would you stop the most… the group committing 10% of the crimes or the group committing 90% of the crimes?

You would expect most of the people that are stopped are innocent. Since most people are not criminals… but on one walks around with a sign on their chest saying “I am a criminal”… so if you are using crime statistics to try to prevent crime, you will disproportionately target those demographic groups committing the most crimes…

Intra racial crime

My comments were not on the topic of black on black crime per se. You miss the point… it is not intra racial because African Americans seek out other African Americans to shoot… as I said it is because most shooting deaths happen is one’s neighborhood… it gets even worse… most homicides are committed by someone the victim knows… Again, your “bigoted” comments suggest that you thought I was talking about “black on black” crime per se, when I was referring to the fact that murders occur largely in poor African American neighborhoods between residents… not because they are African American but because they are residents in the neighborhood… you really should read more and this subject, you seem to see everything through a “racial lens”…

If Black on Black crime were “racially” motivated you would expect to African Americans who commit murders disproportionately murdering African Americans even when they commit a murder outside their neighborhoods.

African Americans and Law Enforcement

If you are going to reduce crime and murders in tough inner city African American neighborhoods, you are going to have a greater and more aggressive police presence in those neighborhoods. The greater presence of police increases the odds that a tragedy involving a police officer will occur… but if that adverse event suppresses a hundred other adverse events not involving a police officer, then most people I know living in poor neighborhoods would accept that.

Do you really think that if African Americans felt police were being systemically racist that they would want the same or more police in their neighborhoods.

Gallup poll: 81% of black people want police to stay in their neighborhoods (washingtonexaminer.com)

Why don’t white people feel safe in inner city African American neighborhoods?

I was mugged as a child because I was white. I knew it was going to happen and there was nothing that was gong to prevent it. Do you think only white people are racist… then you are a racist. Racists come in all colors… but that is not the same as saying we live under systemic racism or that most people are racists… I have white friends who have been told they don’t belong in African American neighborhoods and they should leave immediately… Another close friend of mine was taking a walk about three weeks ago through a Hispanic community in the Orange County suburb he lives in and was told he shouldn’t walk there anymore by a huge Hispanic guy that made my friend feel very threatened… he called me right afterwards to recount how scared he was… We all know that the Mexican cartels operate out of that community, but until now, those communities have been safe during the day…

Are African Americans at risk from police

A study of the Washington Post database shows 14 unarmed African African Americans were killed by police in 2019. When you eliminate causes of death that were clearly not racially motivated I think the number shrinks to 3 according to one analysis. Now that is 3 is 3 to many, but it is not evidence of “systemic” racism.

The latest census estimates that there are 38.9 million African Americans in the US. In 2015, the police are estimated to have had in excess of 50 million contacts with police officers excluding the 223 million million driving related contacts for a total of 273 million total contacts. Over 1.5 million African Americans had contact with a police officer in 2015, of those 1.5 million many of them had multiple contacts. And out of all those contacts somewhere around 3 were killed for what could have been racially motivated reasons.

Now for comparison purposes your chances of dying in plane crash depending on who you believe are between 1 in 5.4 million or 1 in 11 million each time you fly. You odds of dying in a racially motivate killing by a law enforcement officer is less than 1 in 13 million over a whole year. If those odds weigh you down… then perhaps you have some serious issues you need to address… But perhaps you never thought of it that way… and had you thought of it that way, you would realize that unless you think airplanes are racist because your chance of dying on one is three times greater than from a police officer, that your fear might be the product of the media influencing how you think and not reality.

I will pray you overcome your fears…



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