Far worse than being a "black professor" is being a white, male, conservative. I doubt you are shedding tears for white, male, conservative PhDs looking for jobs in academia, but the statistics suggest they suffer from the most discrimination in academia today. So, if they are suffering, why shouldn't blacks be suffering from the same subjective criteria used to keep white conservatives out? The process is the same.
I am not asking you to feel sorry for white professors, but understand like you, they are victims of the same process.
Progressive liberalism uses committees comprised of the "anointed elite" applying subjective criteria to seek "outcomes" rather than merit.
They make decisions for "the greater good", part of that is to preserve their power to influence outcomes as a group. And so, the "power" structure, must remain in the hands of people "like them".
This highlights the innate corruption that emerges in any system based not on individual merit but group identity and ideology. While the messaging sounds like a fairer way to allocate power, it gets corrupted. In contrast, a system based on merit, can use objective criteria to discern if discrimination has played a role in the process and discrimination is actionable under law.