Michael F Schundler
1 min readDec 5, 2022


Even if the US becomes a mere arms supplier to the conflict, the rest of Europe sees this war as a chance to once and fall end Russia's "intimidation" of the west.

Europe remembers when Russia converted all of eastern Europe into virtual colonies. This is this chance to end that threat once and for all. Like all not, Russia will become just another country, that happens to have nukes like North Korea.

Meanwhile, Putin has done more to push the European Union towards Germany's vision of a more federalized Europe. The inner ring will be countries that are fully integrated, and this ring will have an economy and military that qualifies it as a world power. Over time, the political independence of these countries will be similar to states in America. The second ring will be countries fully committed to greater economic integration, but independent politically, though military allies through NATO.

Russia will be a in a situation where it has to decide to become more like Europe with a functional democracy or more like China. In either instance, it will be "satellite" to the power of the EU or the power of China. The only advantage of Europe is if it reforms its political structure, it can be a "full member state" someday... with China, it will be little more than North Korea is today.



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