Michael F Schundler
2 min readJul 14, 2021


Don't confuse patriotism with other values.

I am a proud patriot married to an Asian immigrant wife, who may be more patriotic than I am. She knows the difference between what we enjoy in this country vs what happens in other countries.

Equally patriotic is my African daughter-in-law from Zimbabwe who is also a witness to what makes America great and has a basis of comparison.

We are great because of our diversity and our historical commitment to the rule of law combined with our values incorporated in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the defining declarations of the past that incorporate everything from Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation to MLK's Dream Speech to JFK's 1961 Inaugural Address.

You seem confused by America First. Trump's was proud that his economy expanded economic opportunity to minorities at levels never attained in US history. He was proud of insuring higher education access to minorities through his more permanent funding of HBCs. He considered one of his cornerstone pieces of legislation the one on criminal reform which previously disproportionately punished POCs. These are all part of the America First mantra... your passport identifies whether you are American... not your skin color... Sadly, the media ignored these accomplishments because their goal was to trigger racial and class warfare to facilitate our country moving towards progressivism.

Nothing highlights America First more than the concept that equal opportunity will only become a reality if we can insure poor children access to good educations... yet Democrats have staunchly fought off attempts to liberate educational funding so parents can decide how best to educate their children when local public schools are failing.

One size does not fit all. Public schools teach like it does. Allowing funding to follow children gives parents that chance of insuring their children the best education possible and that is the most important step in achieving equal opportunity. Simply graduating high school at "grade level" insures children a very good chance of achieving middle class status in life. Add college or vocational school an the odds soar. Limit competition from illegal immigration and global outsourcing and things get even better.

American First has nothing to do with race... and it is wrong to suggest it does...



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