Do you think the media is really focused on how to get the hundreds of thousands of immigrants that want to move up north... there? Is the complaint really about "process". Honestly? If the complaint is really about process show me how all the cities are responding to accept busload of immigrants in the future? The real reason they are complaining about process is they want to stop the process. If it was about process, Chicago Mayor would not have dumped all the immigrants on Chicago suburb without warning.
The immigrants I have talked to told me many more immigrants are interested in moving once they save up the money to go. So, I suspect these busses are the tip of the spear, hundreds of thousands of immigrants will be moving when they can. The question is who gets to get their first and get first shot at the jobs.
If you want an equivalent look at what is going to happen, look at the migration of southern African Americans to northern cities after slavery. They went north for the opportunities. Growing up I worked alongside many of these migrating southern African Americans at my father's factory. They were poorly educated, but hard workers and they left the South because there were not enough jobs. No northern cities "welcomed" them, they migrated over decades and the northern cities never did welcome them. In fact, they were often told to go back to the South. But the truth is there was work and even if the work was low wage work, it was better than what was available in the South.
Oh, but that was then... yeah sure.
So, let's get real... immigrants have been crossing the border in waves since Biden got elected, the border states have been struggling and the northern states did squat. Now that the problem is coming to their front door, they are not saying how can we help? They are trying to stop the process...
Meanwhile, how many of migrants bussed to northern cities want to go back to the border states. The media has not addressed... why, because they don't. Unless you are suggesting the northern cities won't help them return if they want to. Now that would be cruel...
But painting them as victims does help to make the case, we have to stop bussing people for now.
You do raise a very good point. Shouldn't the Federal government have discussed their plans with the border states before just releasing millions of people into them? Was our federal government acting immorally when it did so?
Some media sources seem to think this is some sort of racist behavior on the part of white southerners, but those border towns are majority Hispanic. They are the ones crying for relief. The governors of those states owe their loyalty to their citizens not Biden's policies or the people of Martha's Vineyard. As an aside, the mayor of El Paso, Oscar Leeser, who is also bussing immigrants to NYC was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. Is he racist?
So, let's all agree the problem started with Biden. If you want to say, the governors of border states should have sent a certified letter to the governors and mayors of northern cities... okay, I am fine with that. But I don't think the northern governors and mayors would ever say okay to thousands of migrants being bussed to their cities... yet the equivalent is happening on the border and is being done by our federal government.
Bottom line, direct your outrage at Biden... he is the source of the problem. Fix the border and everyone is happy again.