Michael F Schundler
2 min readMay 8, 2019



The developed countries you refer to all base their economies on capitalism, they all have vibrant capital markets and private sectors that allocate capital and produce goods and services based on demand. So the difference between the US and those other countries is simply a few points more of GDP is cycled through their socialistic entitlement programs compared to the US and when I say a few, it really is only a few.

Study more, insult less. In Europe as in America the “capitalistic side” of both economies is what funds the entitlements of each country.

As for God, you must really be “smart” and have traveled the universe and determined there is no God. So can you explain the dilemma about how energy and matter were created since the law of physics says neither can create energy or matter only transform between the two. Interesting your view of religion is similar to Karl Marx. He called religion the “opiate of the masses”. How quaint.

Now you don’t believe in shared moral values either. Perhaps you should study sociology a bit more before you sound off on something you don’t understand. To get you started, here is good quote from Lord Devlin (see footnote below. He was someone who understood a little bit about laws “by and for the people”).

“You cannot have a society without a shared moral code. The point was made eloquently by Lord Devlin: “If men and women try to create a society in which there is no fundamental agreement about good and evil they will fail; if, having based it on common agreement, the agreement goes, the society will disintegrate.””

Of course, I am sure you are much smarter than Lord Devlin and have studied the issue you opined so eloquently on…

Anyway I bid you adieu. You sound angry and there is little value debating with an angry man.

“Patrick Arthur Devlin, Baron Devlin, PC, FBA was a British judge and legal philosopher who became the second-youngest High Court judge in the 20th century and served as a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary between 1960 and 1964.”



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