Dan, I beg to differ with you. Impeachment is not about removing a President that broke laws (Clinton broke the law and Democrats made clear that they did not consider breaking the law an impeachable offense when he was President). So Congress is not a Court, “even of sorts”. Courts do not investigate they prosecute.
As such Congress acts more like a Board of Directors, it represents the shareholders (citizens). It can remove Presidents that have not broken the law and leave Presidents in place that have. That power is balanced by requiring both Houses to act and requiring a two thirds vote by the Senate to avoid partisan politics.
Democrats have found a way around the control designed to avoid partisan politics. Rather than move forward on impeachment for which they know they will lose and suffer a “black eye” forcing their members from swing districts to take a stand on the issue, they keep investigating and making allegations of wrong doing without taking action. This should be criminal. Again no court could do this, in fact, courts are prohibited from doing this.
The Democrats are setting a bad precedent that I am sure will come back to bite them as much as when Harry Reid decided to suspend the rules of the Senate and adopt the “nuclear” option for appointing Federal judges. Just because its a terrible abuse of power does not mean Republicans will not do the same thing if a Democrat is elected and the Republicans gain control of the House. And just as Harry Reid destroyed an important rule of the Senate for a short term gain, the House Democrats are undermining the American people’s faith in Congress to do their jobs and not use their positions to try to topple a President.