Conservatives are having the children, so they must be having sex... unless there is another way to procreate that I missed. In fact, conservatives are probably having more sex than liberals less so because of ideology than the associated lifestyles that go with those ideologies.
Since 55% of married women are Republican and I presume are having sex, that leaves only 45% of married women to have sex with Democrats. Married men vote 60% Republican. Moreover the majority of families with young children vote Republican (since it takes sex to have children, we can presume the majority of families enjoying sex regularly vote Republican).
Perhaps it is because various studies have identified that Republicans are the most generous demographic group on the face of the planet and what woman or man does not want a generous partner.
Anyway, the evidence is in... looking for a life partner to enjoy both a rich life and a sexually fulfilling one, then for most people the answer is "become a Republican".
Meanwhile unmarried people and widows and widowers especially among the elderly lean Democrat. So, want to live alone, die alone, and suffer feeling isolated... become a Democrat.
(While my statistics are accurate, my conclusions are tongue in cheek, but it does beg the question why do Republicans seem to enjoy longer lasting more fulfilling relationships based on surveys).