Michael F Schundler
3 min readSep 28, 2022


Christians and Republicans in general have been pushing for less central authority. Even in the midst of Covid, Trump refused to issue mandates. Specific to abortion, the SCOTUS rather than impose its view on when abortions should be legal, said it is the job of elected bodies to make that decision. That kind of ruling is not what "fascists" do.

Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham a Christian Baptist has proposed a 15-week cut-off for elective abortions. Many Christians, I included, don't belief in forcing our beliefs on others, but we do embrace human rights. You cannot ask compassionate people to ignore the human rights of the unborn baby. And so, we are force to seek a point in a pregnancy that fairly weighs the rights of the mother with the rights of the baby.

You seem to be big on "rights", so why do you ignore an unborn baby's human rights... what other human groups don't deserve to have their human rights protected... how do you feel about the Chinese actions against the Uighurs or the Chinese harvesting the organs of prisoners? Should "old people" be protected? Hitler felt babies born with birth defects should be killed to save "the state" money, he argued it was unfair to make others support such a baby. I have to believe you think Hitler was a monster...

Lindsey's proposal is seeking a bipartisan law that reflects where the vast majority of secular and religious Americans agree. Hard to suggest such a proposal is consistent with your view of Christian fascism.

Especially, since a slightly higher percentage of women support the 15-week cut-off than men.


I do expect that any state law that prevents a medically necessary abortion from being legal will be thrown out by the SCOTUS if it gets that far. Neither woman or police officers can be asked to sacrifice their lives for someone else. Though growing up, I was subjected to being drafted and "my body" used to protect your freedoms with or without my consent.

I like that you care about the individual woman (I have four daughters), but I also care about the unborn girl and boy. I applaud your concern for women but encourage you to expand it to include all humans.


Personhood rights accrue when a "state" declares them to exist, but human rights begin at conception and the right to life is a fundamental human right.

Some data for you to absorb and consider...

"Abortions performed to preserve the life or the health of the mother are so rare that they do not register statistically, according to Alan Guttmacher of Planned Parenthood, who did more to promote and spread abortion on demand throughout the world than any other individual."

Regarding the 20-week threshold. About 1.2% of all abortions occur after 20 weeks. Most of them are for sad reasons in lieu of the fact that a baby is being killed. Reasons like I just didn't get around to it till now are far more common, than medical necessity.

Meanwhile, if you support the old Roe v Wade arbitrary cut-off of viability for elective abortions, technology has reduced that down from 26 weeks to 20 weeks today. As an aside, I ran an OB/GYN group that delivered 15000-20000 babies a year, so I am a bit behind the current science, but more aware of what abortions entail than most.

Another statistic you might not know from 1980 to 2000 – 99.31% of abortions annually were for non-therapeutic reasons

5460 were for health of mother — that is .36%

3640 were for fetal defects — that is .24%

You might like this site... it is a secular pro-life website...


Abortion is not about a woman's right or so many women wouldn't oppose it. It is about balancing a baby's right with a woman's right. Not recognizing a baby's right is equally wrong to ignoring a woman's right... but if you recognize both a woman's and a baby's right, it does become a societal decision.



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