Can you document a single instance where Trump undermined the Constitution in this country… how many dictators would have sat through an impeachment trial and done nothing…
How many dictators would have allowed the media to attack him viciously everyday for four years and rather than suppress the media he submitted to and answered their questions.
I can understand why you don’t like Trump, what I don’t understand is how you have been deluded into thinking he behaved as a dictator or even worse Hitler. Now if dictatorial behavior concerns you, then Biden should scare you to death…
Issuing more executive orders than Bush, Obama, and Trump combined in his first two weeks in office when as recently as last October, Biden called the issuing of executive orders the acts of a dictator… means Biden has effectively described his own behavior in office as dictatorial… so its not me, but Biden who has said that about his behavior.
But perhaps you are okay with dictatorial behavior, if those executive orders are consistent with your values. If that is the case, then you are encouraging dictatorial behavior… which is exactly how Hitler gained his power… his first dictatorial orders were ones most people agreed with… then he turned ugly as he consolidated his power.
When it comes to media access to Biden forget it… the Biden administration is now insisting the media submit their questions in advance of any meeting and then calling only on those they want to respond to. Talk about keep Americans from asking their government tough questions… again that is the what dictators do… and you may be okay with that, as long as you agree with what Biden is doing…
You use the word Nazi to prove you have no idea what it means and have no idea of what it was like living under Hitler and you should be ashamed. Jews take great offense when you try to equate Hitler who killed millions of their people in gas chambers or labor camps with people like Trump as it diminishes Hitler’s atrocities for the sake of sensationalism… shame on you.
My mom, uncles and aunts grew up under Hitler (my mom was born in Germany in 1922), you sound like a fool equating him Trump to him… try less for emotional attacks and try to focus on the particulars as to why you think it is okay to deny Americans their civil rights.
You have to decide if you believe people have civil rights or not. Civil rights either belong to everyone or no one… it is that simple. You seem inclined to deny civil rights to people you don’t like… so who sounds like the dictator?