Birth tourism is common for the wealthy of every race in the world from every country in the world. It is a special kind of medical tourism. It has zero to do with skin color. How ever it costs money (a lot of money) to travel and to obtain medical care in a foreign country.
So, I am confused. If a person cannot afford the travel costs and medical bills, then who are you saying should pay for the travel and medical bills.
For something to be a right for every single citizen in the world that chooses to have their child in another country to do so, someone has to cough up the money?
In addition, you do understand that "birth tourism" does not translate into "birth citizenship. Only about 20% of the nations in the world mostly in North and South America recognize birth citizenship. So, choosing to travel to another country to have a baby usually does not confer citizenship to the baby, instead in most cases, the baby is a citizen of the country of their parents.
A few countries allow dual citizenship up until a baby reaches the age of majority, then the baby must choose. Other countries require that choice to be made at birth. The point is medical tourism is a financial choice, citizenship criteria is determined by governments. So, are you saying you want to impose "birth citizenship" on all the non-white nations of Asia that don't recognize it?
Good luck with that....