Michael F Schundler
1 min readOct 11, 2022


Biden wants Covid over, because he knew it took down Trump and he promised he could stop it.

An Israeli historian predicted when Covid hit that we would never get "over Covid" unless we developed a surefire therapeutic. Instead, we would learn to live with it and accept it as "normal".

Covid deaths under Biden and infections are far higher than they were under Trump. The death rate per case has gone way down, but the case numbers are through the roof. And it's not the variant that penetrated our borders under Trump that are killing people, it's the variant that Biden could not keep out.

On the positive side, for most of the population Covid death is pretty remote. Less than getting killed in a car, killed by substance abuse, killed by the flu.

But once you past, 40 years of age, your odds start to change, after 50 they really increase, and over 65 they are 60 times higher than if you are between 18-29.

There are things people can do to minimize their risk of dying from Covid, but nothing is guaranteed. Follow your physician's advice, improve your general health, insure you have adequate levels of vitamin D, especially in winter if you live in a cold northern climate. All these things help to reduce Covid death risk. Don't believe me about vitamin D, read the link below especially if you have darker skin and live in cold northern climates...





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