Biden also has a shady past if you invest a bit more time... his wealth and his family's wealth has largely come from using his political influence to benefit members. So if character is troubling to you, it might just be choosing between "evils". While I would prefer a saint as President, I am unwilling to subject myself to horrible policies in order to have a "saint". I lived through that under Jimmy Carter, one of the most ethical and worst Presidents in recent history.
It is funny you ascribe his policies as Koch Brothers friendly... the Koch Brothers dislike Trump's policies and have actually spent money to oppose him... so if this is your hesitancy, you should re-evaluate your position.
Your assertion that Trump's tax reform plan lowered government revenues is an urban legend. Not only did total government tax revenues go up but they were accelerating until the virus put a dent in tax revenues. How can that be with lower tax rates? Simple, lower corporate tax rates helped support the economic growth that caused unemployment prior to the virus to hit the best levels in 50 years... Payroll taxes and income taxes on all those extra workers more than offset lost corporate income taxes.
Trump has denounced racism multiple times. He is also accused of anti Semitic beliefs even though his son in law is Jewish, he has Jewish grandchildren, and Israel says he is the most pro Israel President in 50 years. Conservative African Americans have said Trump has done more than any President to help African Americans... not just through jobs, but through criminal justice reform. In contrast, in recent weeks Hispanics have become outraged as the unwillingness of Democrats to condemn far left groups that have attacked Catholic statues and churches... these attacks on their faith, should be condemned, but it would put Democrats at odds with key constituents so they have remained silent.
Which rights of women has Trump "attacked". In general women have benefited from Trump's presidency. The only issue Trump has with women groups are with those groups that support abortion (keep in mind that about the same percentage of woman and men oppose abortion), so it really is not a "gender" issue but an ideological one. Also keep in mind, half the babies aborted are little girls and according to the Supreme Court Roe vs Wade decision one they reach viability, they have rights. So if you are male or female and favor late term abortions of viable babies you are against a baby's civil rights according to the Roe vs Wade.
You are correct in that Trump has asserted the rights of religious groups to practice their faith. This has led to a number of landmark decisions that reinforce the concept that our government should not discriminate against people based on their faith, but rather attempt to accommodate those faiths where possible. Only where accommodation places an unfair burden on others does the state have the right to restrict religious freedom. One such case came out recently, where the Supreme Court determined "for now" states could restrict indoor religious services in order to protect people at large, but such restrictions are subject to future review.
On education, Trump favors charter schools. They represent the singular point of hope for many inner city parents seeking a good education for their children. My brother founded a charter school in Jersey City. Most of the students begin school behind children from wealthier liberal white neighborhoods in New Jersey. In a relatively short period of time the students reach grade level performance and by the time they graduate they will be ahead of most children in the state. Biden wants to close charter schools. Elite schools like Harvard and Princeton promise any student that is accepted (acceptance is done without consideration of the ability to pay) can go to their schools and graduate debt free. More and more schools are making those offers by raising tuition and then discounting them for people that have lower incomes... I am well off, so my daughter's college education cost $300,000 at an elite private school, her roommate got the same education for under $100,000. Other students got the same education for much much less. More and more colleges are using tuition as a form of wealth redistribution.
On healthcare, I mentioned I am well off and so I purchase health care for myself, my wife, and my daughter on the Obama exchange in California for $34,000 a year. If you earn less than $50,000 a year, it is almost free. If you earn less than 138% of the FPL, it is not almost free, it is free.
You should read Milton Friedman. Here is the truth that Democrats ignore. The only way to help the poor escape poverty is to make them more valuable... entitlements which support people in poverty without helping to make them more valuable lead to dependence. As a society we need to keep focusing on how to make our poor more valuable... how do we upgrade their skills? Trump has pushed this agenda in multiple ways... which Democratic policies do the same thing?
Don't confuse like with respect. My wife is from Asia. Her family says Trump is one of the most respected Presidents in decades. In Asia respect to based on whether you are fairly pursuing the interest of your country. Europe is different. Europeans are far more socialist than the US so Trump is not liked for demanding Europeans live up to their NATO agreement and because he wants to level the field with respect to trade barriers. Both of these take away from the funds they would normally divert to their entitlements. They don't respect him Trump because his ideology of America first runs contrary to their ideology of globalism... interestingly, there is growing disenchantment in Europe towards globalism... England voted for Brexit. China's failure to warn the world about Covid and its revealed plan to dominate the world within 15 years is causing many countries to re think the idea of globalism and more to a new world order based on aligned interests...
So you asked the wrong question... which of Biden's positions are the reason you support him... which policy specifically convinces you, he is the better choice? How often have you voted for a Republican in recent years... I have voted for a Democratic Senator in the recent elections... so I look at what they stand for and not the other stuff that people throw out to distract voters.
As a history person, can you name which party was in power at the time of slavery in the South. Which party passed the Jim Crow laws. Which party provided the most votes for the Civil Rights legislation of the 60s, and which party is in favor of equal and non discriminatory rights.
The single biggest difference between Republicans and Democrats is Republican believe in the Constitution and see the ideals expressed in it and hope to realize those goals by "perfecting" those ideal's in society. The Democrats believe in tearing down American and rebuilding it believing that they can manage the conflicting interests of all groups even if doing so involves treating groups unequally... they tried that in the South, why does anyone think it will turn out differently this time around?