Be honest. The deficit is down from 2020, wow. How surprising that the deficit would be down from the peak pandemic year, when we locked down the economy for a month. If that is your comparison, then we are toast.
The 2021 deficit was $2.8 trillion. The right reference point is the year before the pandemic, which was $984 billion. The 2022 deficit is projected to be $1.15 trillion if Biden does not forgive $500 billion in student loans. Plus, he just signed off on spending that will add $100-200 billion annually to the deficit. That means in just three years he will have increased the "normalized" deficit from just under $1 trillion (pretty bad) to over $1.3 trillion (really bad).
On the bright side, if we could get spending under control, Federal tax revenues have been accelerating since 2018 when the Trump tax cuts went into effect. Regarding this fact, simply look up Federal tax revenues by year.
You are correct about inflation, Biden's actions only account for about half of our inflation rate, the rest is related to the shortage of global energy supplies, the supply chain shortages, and the global recovery. But half of our inflation according to our own Federal Reserve Bank is due to Biden's policies.
That's the truth...