At the end of the day, those who passionately disliked Trump and those who passionately adored him represent the extremes. I voted for Trump because I thought he would be better for America than Biden or Hillary. Based on Biden's sinking approval numbers, I wonder if the majority of Americans now feel the same way.
And perhaps this is the "middle ground". Acknowledging that Trump's personality can offend people, while acknowledging that many of his policies were good. We did have low inflation, low unemployment, border security, and most importantly operation Warp Speed gave us our primary tool against Covid.
Climate change will not be solved by making fossil fuels more expensive, all that will do is make the poor even poorer. The better policy is to make fossil fuels cheap... and "green energy" even cheaper. I don't anyone would have a problem with green energy if it was cheaper than fossil fuel before subsidies and carbon taxes... and more importantly, it would create a worldwide shift away from fossil fuel. But when you subsidize green energy and tax fossil fuel, you really don't make much of a dent in worldwide CO2 output and having a bunch of world leaders fly in on their high-power national jets to talk about reducing emissions is not nearly as impactful as focusing on technologies that make "green energy" competitive without government taxes and subsidies.