At one time, Muslim nations were among the most advanced nations of the world making Europe look like a "backwater". When you point out that Europe experienced the Renaissance, you fail to note, that the Renaissance was the introduction of ideas and science learned by the Crusaders from the Muslims and introduced to Europe.
Only after the Reformation and subsequent Age of Enlightenment did Europe begin too rapidly pull away from the rest of the world with advanced technologies.
Some of this was a product of the arms race between the various European countries that led to new technologies that had application outside of war.
But the arms race produced more than just constant warfare, technology, and death. It produced countries capable of projecting their military strength anywhere in the world. This led to colonies and colonies led to wealth, and wealth fueled even more demand for goods especially by the middle class.
That called for mass production and before you knew it, the industrial revolutions had taken hold.
Europe had entered into a "virtuous cycle" of innovation, mass production, and rising standards of living. The rest of the world never developed a middle class that was big enough to transform them. Instead, the wealthy enjoyed their wealth and the poor subsisted.