As noted, God uses His power to work out His will. Part of that will includes separating the people of the world between those that want to spend eternity with Him and those that don't.
You say it is not a choice, but clearly the Satan knew the deal when he rebelled against God, but it did not stop him. I think we know the deal and we make our choice.
While plausible deniability seems to be a tactic used these days to escape the consequences of our decision, that does not work when God can look into your soul and see your choice.
Interestingly, God does not ask or expect people to be perfect. He knows we are sinners. He does not compel us to love Him or worship Him, but instead gathers those who chose to love Him and worship Him to His kingdom.
I don't think anyone knows what heaven or hell are really going to be like. All I know is God resides in heaven and the Devil resides in hell. Who will you serve?