As a father of four daughters, three of whom hold deep Christian faith, if Judge Barrett makes it to the Supreme Court, it will be a sign of hope for millions of little girls that grow up and aspire to great things, but don't meet the liberal standard of a feminist.
You don't have to hold a radical feminist ideology to represent women, what you have to be is an independent, intelligent, and moral person committed to equal rights for all women.
A women that supports limits on abortion is not anti feminist, that is a corruption of feminist ideology, instead a woman's view towards abortion should be based on her personal view of the rights of the baby to life and the rights of the woman towards privacy believing that both need to be considered.
True equal rights is not giving woman "more" rights, but equal rights... and that unborn baby girl has rights to.
I thought highly of Ginsberg even though I disagreed with her on most issues... but the fact that her values and mine did not align does not make her less of a human or a woman or more, it makes our views different... we both embraced equal rights for women, but we may not agree on other issues. Her example and her legacy is not her ideology, but her accomplishments.
I hope women's rights are not advanced by whoever is nominated... instead I hope any disparity between human rights and those rights afforded women are addressed and equalized.
For if there are "women's rights", then that infers there are "men's rights". In so many parts of the world this is the case... and the problem. Men have rights women don't have... if that is wrong, the opposite is wrong...
I want my daughters to have the same opportunities to achieve the same things as men... regardless of whether their values meet some sort of liberal litmus test. Time to end this unique form of sexism, that defines what women must do and believe to be recognized as a feminist. This article is an example of that attempt to define what a woman must think rather than granting her the right to think for herself... time to re-examine your prejudices and celebrate any woman nominated to the Supreme Court for her accomplishments and the example she offers young girls that they can dream to be great... and achieve those dreams...