Michael F Schundler
1 min readJan 5, 2023


Aren't Congressional Representatives supposed to represent their constituents and not their party? The conflict within the Republican ranks demonstrates that the GOP still has room for dissent. Unlike the "lock step" behavior of Democrats, where House members are expected to vote according to party and not constituents.

Nothing illustrated this more, when Manchin, a Democrat, who owes his office to Republicans and Independents that crossed over to vote for him, represented his constituents over the Democratic party and was crucified for doing so.

The issue is not the conflict within the Republican party but the lack of it within the Democratic party that once claims to be a "big tent" that invited people of all ideologies to belong. Now it seems you either get in line or the party targets you in the next primary using its bankroll and loyal sycophants to primary you out of the general election. Democracy is under attack, but it's not by the GOP.

Finally, for more background, read the Federalist papers where Madison feared "party" conformity would be the greatest threat to democracy by eliminating the bipartisanship needed to keep the country centered.



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