Americans are tiring of the witch trials. So how did the "defense" attorney's respond during the "trial", I mean "hearing". Oh wait, the defense gets no "defense" and not one gets to respond to the information presented.
Personally, I hope Trump does not run, he is far more influential and powerful when absorbs the slings and arrows of Democrats while those he supports win elections and assume office. Democrats fixation on Trump is already doing them in.
To the extent Trump does not run because of the witch trials and a Republican with Trump's support wins in 2024, it is possible Trump's policies could determine American politics for 12-16 years!
I like that, I am not a fan of Trump's personality, but I think his policies were a good blend of conservatism and populism and helped the country realize that we need "the working guy" to thrive in America and not be walked on by globalism.