America was founded on the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence and largely reflect a classical liberal view of the world. These values are not tied to religion or race, which given the diversity of race and ethnicity of America was critical. Over the centuries these values have accommodated all religions, ethnicities, and races. Fundamental to that ideology is that "the Creator" gave man unalienable rights and no government even one elected by the people has a right to diminish them.
We now have a conflicting set of values based on 19th century Marxism, that is triggering a deep division within our nation and is largely the product of teachers promoting it instead of the classical liberal values at our founding. Perhaps the fact that teachers belong to unions and so the idea of subordination of self-interest for the group is inherent to their way of thinking affects what they teach.
The problem with progressive liberal values is that by focusing on equity of outcome vs equality of opportunity, you create the need of strong centralized government that is easily corrupted and will eventually oppress the people.
You also promote economic class division and identity politics, and each group declares they are victims... since by doing so, you become entitled to some form of government "advantage".
In essence, you confer all the duties of a "parent" on government never allowing humans to become adults.
I agree my response was simplifying but it is also true. Democrats have tried to label MAGA as "racist", but it isn't. More minorities have assumed more leadership positions since Trump conservative populism took over the party than in any time in its history and minority membership in the Republican party has been soaring. This migration of minorities from the Democrats to the Republicans is scary and Democrats are waving the "racist" flag to slow down the pace of this migration.
We don't need secession; we just need to reapply the Constitution. We began as 13 nations forming a more perfect union. It was supposed to be the best of both worlds... the singular face to the world, and independent "nations" internally, but over 200 years the federal government has attempted to erode the power reserved for the states using the military and taxing powers to force compliance.
Trump tried to dismantle some of this power, but largely failed. But I expect today's election will further drive home that our country is not interested in progressive liberalism with its strong central government trying to force states to embrace an ideology.
MAGA was simply an attempt to return to the roots of our political design but extend it to all groups of people.
Fascism and communism are different sides of the same coin, but are political systems that deny individual liberties in favor of "the collective" as determined by the elitists in control of government. Fascism tends to have racial and nationalistic overtones, while communism tends to believe it is their purpose to unite the world under their totalitarian system for its own good.