Actually, what you just wrote if you said in public could “incite” a riot among some groups of Americans… so are you guilty of inciting a riot and should you go to prison for writing that? Or do you, just like Trump, have the right of free speech and freedom of the press to say how you feel about political issues. Can people blame you for what they do or are people responsible for their actions? This last point is something you should consider carefully…
Inciting a riot is a crime… but you should study exactly what the law is and what it means by “incitement”. It is pretty clear that there are trained provocateurs on the far right and far left, who are trained and deliberately incite people to riot, but even those people must use specific language to violate the law… so for example, a BLM march with people carrying signs that say “fry them like bacon” and clearly referring to killing police officers cannot be prosecuted if someone sees the signs and shoots a police officer. Yet it is pretty clear that the sign can trigger emotional responses…
Free speech and freedom of the press are very broad rights and yes they protect even “hate” speech which Thomas Jefferson said was something a nation like ours with “rights” had to tolerate if we did not want government using “censorship” to control the people. So you have decide are you comfortable with the “next” Trump telling you what you can say or not say… or are you smart enough to tolerate hate speech and not be incited to riot… Always look at your arguments from the perspective of what if they were used against you…
Fringe groups that self identify as “left or right”, but whom I think or at least I hope most conservatives and liberals disdain for their violent ideology, have a right in this country to the same rights you and I have. Sad as that may be, it is essential if we are to truly have rights. But if they violate the law, then they should be prosecuted.
If you don’t believe Antifa has been inciting riots then you are living under a rock. Their underlying ideology is decades old and uses anarchy as a tool to overthrow governments. One key tool for that is inciting mob behavior.
Previously thought of as an “ideology” recent reports released suggest that they are more substantial than that… they operate like many terrorist groups through semi autonomous cells that communicate through the internet to organize actions against specific targets.
Antifa like most domestic terrorist groups have no central authority (this contrasts with older groups which had more structured organizations and such were easier for the FBI to takedown). This decentralized structure makes it almost impossible to eliminate them as each individual cell is hard to penetrate and when you take down a cell, you take down one cell and that is all…
People that defend ANTIFA based on its name are showing they are suckers for propaganda… Antifa stated objectives have little to do with fascism except for the fact they describe anything they don’t like as fascist. You don’t go around assaulting press reporters if you believe in civil rights and are truly “anti fascist”. One of the first objectives of fascism it censorship… and ANTIFA is a big advocate of censorship…