Actually, those who knew Trump, have said Trump believed he won. I think he feared he lost, but he the actions he took to confirm that suggest, he was not convinced. You simply don't commit the resources he did, if you believe "nothing was there".
Nor do you attempt an insurrection against the most powerful nation on earth with 600 middle aged supporters... 2 of who were so out of shape they died as a result of the exertion.
Meanwhile, to be clear, Jack Smith after examining all the evidence, has not charged Trump with insurrection. So, while the "narrative" of insurrection continues, it has largely been disproven. And that highlights the problem with the news cycle, it can turn a riot into an insurrection.
Long after the FBI report made clear that there was no organized activity on January 6th, the media continued to pound the drum of insurrection. You are confusing the fact various groups like the Proud Boys did attempt to trigger a riot, but the FBI report made clear, they had no other motive beyond that... one reason why after occupying the Capitol, they all went home.
I for one have repeated endorsed our country invest resources to make it both easier to vote and to make elections more secure. Those don't seem like impossible "asks". But both parties try to manipulate the election system for their advantage under the cloak of "virtue".
I don't think Biden or the Democrats are "evil", I think their policies are a disaster. As for electing felons, the Democrats have elected felons to office more than once, so that does not seem to trouble them. My favorite was Barry, who ran for office two months after being released from prison under the slogan...
"He May Not Be Perfect, But He's Perfect for D.C." He defeated the four-term incumbent, Wilhelmina Rolark, in the Democratic primary, winning 70 percent of the vote, saying he was "not interested in being mayor", and went on to win the general election easily."
However, I think 2024 is coming down to a simple decision for most voters. Like Mayor Barry, you don't have to like Trump to think he is better for the nation than Biden. Two thirds of the country have lost confidence in Biden's policies (I personally think Biden is an empty suit, he was never very bright and so it is his staff, not Biden running the country).
Biden's administration is so ideological and so impractical they have pushed through policies that have left 80% of Americans worse off than they were four years ago. That is pretty hard to do, but they pulled it off.
I am not one of those 80%. Older with substantial stock and real estate investments, I have done well, but I can't in good conscience vote for Biden knowing how many people he has harmed with his policies. I see it when I see how much our tenants are struggling under his policies, even though we have made the conscious decision not to jack up the rent with inflation but to keep it at 2020 levels plus actual out of pocket cost increases. They are suffering and it has to end now. We need Trump back or someone like him to put the brakes on Biden's mess.
Trump like Barry is not perfect and there are others I would have preferred. But Trump is most likely going to have the courage to focus on policies that will help working people. I don't believe income or wealth redistribution, but I do believe in protectionism and immigration controls to keep blue-collar middle-income workers from seeing their jobs outsourced overseas and low wage workers from seeing their wages and housing competed for by illegal immigrants.
I want you to seriously look at which demographic groups Trump is attracting in greater numbers in 2024 and which ones he is losing. It is not a surprise he is gaining among African Americans, Hispanics, union workers, and small business owners or that he is losing ground among the wealthy, highly educated and insulated, and young women (largely based on the two candidates position on abortion) ... which is strange since Trump's position is likely to produce greater abortion choices than Biden's. But that is a separate issue and an example of how the media has run the narrative.