Actually, the longer growing seasons are already benefiting the planet. They are producing record crops worldwide. The main problem today is not the inability of agriculture to relocate, it is the loss of grain due to the Ukraine Russian war.
Meanwhile, populations around the world are expected to contract by the end of the century and many parts of the planet are already experiencing depopulation due to low fertility rates... meaning we will need far less food in the future and most likely will consume far less energy.
Southern California
I live in southern California and while the state government has blamed climate change for the drought, scientists have determined what is going on is part of a cyclical climate pattern that has been going for ages and is linked to the same patterns that cause periodic flooding in Australia. The claim that climate change is amplifying this effect is a hypothesis not a fact. It has become modern woke ideology to attribute every change in weather to atmospheric CO2 , but such attributions often confuse changing cyclical weather patterns with climate change, and they are unrelated...
The more relevant but unresolved issue in southern California is not "climate change" but human migration patterns. California is not and never was designed to support such a large population and farming industry... the tremendous demand put on a relatively low rainfall geography to support massive amounts of farming and suburban and urban development is problematic. If we really all want to live here, it is time to build some pipelines from areas with surplus water to meet our need or limit population growth in the desert. California water shortages and droughts go back centuries... that alone should demonstrate that these issues are not new.
But even with California's huge population, if we simply imposed modern water conservation strategies like those in Israel, we would not have a problem, but for now the cheap water provided by nature makes using such technologies relatively to expensive.
Climate change is fearmongering. Which is not to say that climate change is not happening, it is... it just does not represent the existential crisis being portrayed. My guess is in around 20 years, the world will move on to the next existential crisis politicians can use to get their citizens to give them more power.