Actually, living near the border, I support secure borders. Our church is involved trying to help the young girls forced into sex trafficking with the help of Biden's loose border policies. Meanwhile, children in my town are dying from Fentanyl, and our Hispanic workers tell us their communities are overrun with people needing housing and jobs, when there are none. I talk to border security agents (most of them are Hispanic) and they are pretty clear, things have changed since Biden took office.
Meanwhile, we expanded our business under Trump using the lower taxes to produce more income allowing us to buy more equipment and increase our labor force. Our profits are up, even though our margins are down a bit, since we take on more marginal jobs knowing the tax bite will be less.
We saw the impact of Trump's tariffs are selected imported products in the construction trade but considered that a worthwhile price given that means more Americans have jobs and can earn a decent living.
We are jealous of those Republican states whose small service establishments were not put out of business by a governor that dines in Napa Valley without a mask even as he issued mandates to first close indoor dining and then outdoor dining (with zero evidence that outdoor dining caused the spread of Covid). Fortunately, our conservative county Sheriff refused to enforce the outdoor dining provision, so some great places survived, but those that could not move out onto the sidewalk closed, many forever.
I am saddened by the suicide by some of our young children that health officials attribute to the isolation of extended school closures by our Democratic governor.
We are thankful that our youngest daughter attends Baylor. She graduated high school in 2020 and unlike her friends who many did not see a classroom for 2 years, she has enjoyed the benefits that come with interacting with other young talented people both in a classroom and a dorm.
I miss feeling safe at night from domestic crime which has soared since progressive liberal justice reform has led to a surge in car break-ins on the ungated street below our home, organized thefts of retail establishments in our cities, and increased violence in general. And if that is not enough Biden's weakness has us on the edge of nuclear war.
I am surprised you don't see these obvious differences in policies, between Trump and Trump aligned governors and Biden and progressive liberal governors.
So, tell me how is your life better under Biden? Does your income go further? How are your energy and food bills? What has happened to the crime rate in your community? How long were your schools closed? Seriously, let's move off the ideological nonsense and explain to me how your everyday life is better...