Actually, I love America. I love what we have done with the place. The two hundred years of steady progress towards realizing those goals first set forth in the Declaration of Independence declaring that government existed to protect our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I have serious issues with progressive liberals who want to “fundamentally change America” to one where individual freedoms are suppressed in favor the “collective” as represented by the government. At the most fundamental level freedom is an “individual” thing… a society is “free” only if the individuals within that society are “free”.
Progressive liberalism largely denies “liberty” at the individual level since liberty interferes with the ability of society to impose its will and concepts of fair on others. So by its very nature income and wealth redistribution and “economic” equity all represent concepts that require individual freedom to be subordinate for the “greater good”.
Historically, the “greater good” concept is eventually corrupted and is replaced with the loss of freedom and property and civil rights. I love the America that the Founding Fathers envisioned someday… recognizing that a lot remains to turn that dream into a reality… but I am not prepared abandon that dream for what seems like a flawed ideology largely dependent on promises of wealth transfers… which either never materialize or eventually dry up…