Michael F Schundler
2 min readJun 16, 2024


Actually, I am not sure where you got the impression that someone not "physically" mature enough to have babies could be required to. That is not true.

If someone is not healthy enough to carry a baby to term, I am unaware of any state that requires them to do so. Those fall under medical exceptions to protect the life of the mother, which is her Constitutional right.

I think you are referring to females capable of carrying a healthy baby to full term, but who we consider as "children". I hope you keep your views consistent and oppose gender assignment surgery children. Which is far more straight forward than abortion.

Abortion involves the rights of both the baby and the mother. Many pro abortionists refuse to acknowledge that a baby is a "human life". They cover their ears and deny that truth, even as they support killers of pregnant women as guilty of double homicide. Again, the inconsistency is highlighting the lack of science in their thinking... pure ideology. Each situation is approached as an ideological issue with no consistent logic driving the decision. Bill Maher is perhaps the most honest prochoice advocate; I have heard of... he says abortion is murder and he is okay with it. And that is what it comes down to... when do we think the murder of an unborn child is okay?

Once you recognize both the baby and female have rights, then society must wrestle with how to compromise around unreconcilable rights... in every case of abortion, someone's human's rights are being taken away and that should be an issue that society collectively addresses.

As for "ghoulish", nothing is more "ghoulish" that seeing an aborted viable baby with a crushed skull being ripped out body part by party part and then put together like a jig saw puzzle to be sure the doctor got all the pieces.

The OB/GYN group I ran actually established an abortion clinic, because 48 out of 50 OBs simply did not have the emotional ability to confront that procedure and so the other 2 did all of the elective abortions for the group. While we would have preferred abortions be limited to medically necessary ones, the law provides different criteria which we complied with. But I have met very few people that have witnessed an abortion advocate abortion "at will" and instead they more than most are advocates of limiting abortions.



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