Actually, I am a prolific reader. On issues like climate change, I do read original studies and have corresponded with the head of the IPCC in the past.
On issues like Covid, I read many of the original published studies rather than rely on the more biased summaries.
On issues, like immigration I have read numerous studies done over the past 50 years.
To get different opinions, my regular news feeds are comprised equally of US sources (mostly left leaning) and foreign sources like Reuters, The Economist, and other British sources (I am somewhat constrained with foreign sources since I only read English and German). I actually found the British equivalent to the CDC a bit (not much more honest) than our CDC, but both were less honest than the studies coming out of Israel on Covid and some of the translated studies coming out of France and Singapore.
I am also a history buff, so I read about 30-50 books on history split between US and world history and many of the latter are written by foreign authors translated into English.
So, not quite sure whether you believe my opinions have been more shaped by the left or the right. Personally, I am a classical liberal ideologically. Which makes me a Democrat that changed to Republican after the Democrats abandoned classical liberal thinking for progressive liberal thinking. I did enjoy reading the different ideologies of the great thinkers in history when I majored in college in religious studies and philosophy before switching to business to get a job.
But perhaps, you have a more robust background, and I am simply the illiterate person that investors trusted to run their company with 42,000 employees to deliver health care to everyday Americans.
If you don't know the various policies of the two parties than you are the one that needs to broaden your reading. Both parties have published party platforms and for the most part those positions are reflected in their actions, but it would be nice to see them debate why their policies are better rather than fearmonger.
Perhaps because I am "literate", I am not impressed by people who attack the character of other people like you did with me. All I can say is "bless you" that you are so lucky to come from a more a literate country than America... what a pompous statement.