Michael F Schundler
2 min readDec 30, 2023


A society must either embrace or reject systemic racism. I reject it. I support those laws that make the practice of any form of systemic racism illegal, whether it is being used to hold people down or "fix" racism in the past.

Individual racism is not about "power", that is a definition that emerged to justify using racism to fix racism at a societal level.

You can't prevent individual racism, but you can pass laws and we have done that to make acting on an individual's racist beliefs illegal in the marketplace, the workplace, and society is general. On the other hand, many DEI programs and affirmative action programs are systemic racist ideas that simply use race differently than past approaches like Jim Crow laws.

Malcolm X's approach embraced racism as you appear to do in order to create a government dominated by an elite group of representatives from the various identity groups comprising society to hammer out what eventually becomes a corrupt means to allocate power along with goods and services equitably across society based on skin color. Such "tribalism" never works and always ends in tears, no matter how attractive it might seem at first.

MLK had it right... unless a society values character over skin color, it is doomed to engage in violence forever... Jews and Arabs highlight this struggle, which has gone on for thousands of years. I don't want that for my grandchildren, who are black, white, and any future grandchildren will be part Asian.

I have no problem talking about systemic racism where it can be illustrated it is taking place. And I fully support suing employers and other organizations that practice systemic racism whether in favor of whites or against Asians and Jews (like Harvard has). No one is trying to fool "black" people... why would I try to fool my grandchildren (five of seven are black). I want them to live in a world that values them as individuals rather than assigns them to a racial identity group... and forces them to "kiss" the ring of those that control the future based on their racial identity... I want a far more decentralized society, where no matter who you are, there is an opportunity to succeed based on merit.

Over time those that reject racism like me are winning. It is an uphill struggle since there are individuals among all racial identity groups that benefit from systemic racism and are doing everything in their power to preserve it by focusing on skin color rather than teaching values that emphasize character.

But those of us that reject identity groups are winning. The census data points to an accelerated rate of "race mixing" that is likely to produce a "new" American (someone who can't identify their race because it is too mixed to be relevant to their identity). That day can't be soon enough... in the meantime, I will continue to fight against attempts to preserve systemic racism in any form including its use to separate us.



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