A really simple election…

Michael F Schundler
2 min readNov 3, 2022


I am amazed at the crazy attacks Democrats are making on Republicans for this year’s election. I just got blocked because I questioned someone who argued people should vote for Warnock over Walker because Walker most likely suffered brain injuries when he played football. I asked him a simply question, did he vote for Biden who has had two brain aneurysms and has shown indications of cognitive decline and refuses to be tested by independent physicians or Trump. Bottom line is he a hypocrite or does he believe what he is writing. Based on his response, I am guessing he voted for Biden.

He then argued Christians should vote for Warnock because he was a pastor. Does he really think Christians should vote based “on religion” or is he making a special exception. My guess is it is another act of hypocrisy.

I suggested that Warnock has voted with his party nearly every time (98.6%). So, isn’t it really simple. If you are happy with Biden and his policies vote for Warnock, if you are not, vote for Walker. I am unaware of any policies that Warnock has proposed in opposition to Biden’s policies. Neither Walker or Warnock are going to chair committees and so the issue is which way do you want your representative to vote… not what religion are they or even what their IQ is.

The author of the original piece accused me of being a troll and hiding my identity. I responded I use my real name and you can find more about me by browsing my name on the internet. I told him I thought he was being a hypocrite given his arguments in his piece are ones that did not govern his voting behavior, why would he suggest it should govern others. In fairness, I can understand how people get uncomfortable when you point out the “fraud” in their arguments, but isn’t that what debate in the public square is supposed to be about, helping people to see the truth and see through the “misdirection” …

For anyone reading this that has not voted, I encourage you to vote for the Democrat running in your district or state, if you are happy with where the Democrats have taken us. Or as Obama said in 2008, if you think it is time for a change, then vote for the Republican. If you just prefer “divided” government, then vote Republican.

It really is that simple… and all the deflection and fearmongering is “noise”



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