80% of Americans according to a survey just released, expect to be better off next year as a result of the current economy. I think the majority of Americans actually are able to tell when they are better off.
The crazier idea is that the proposals of Progressive Democrats will help working Americans. Several studies have shown that poor working Americans benefit most economically when the economy is growing above trend. Confirmed by the facts issued by the BLS on Trump’s first two years in office.
In contrast, well educated Americans do better when the economy is growing slowly or not at all. Seems counter intuitive until you realize the working poor have less discriminated skills and so they need a tight labor market to benefit. Highly educated workers are less impacted by the economy as a whole, since it takes a long time to train highly educated workers and those jobs are less sensitive to economic changes.
So while you might ideologically embrace ideas put forth by progressive democrats, you should do some research if you do not realize that they don’t actually benefit the working poor.
You could make the argument that the non working poor benefit by expanded entitlements provided they do not attempt to escape poverty by getting a job. In that case, you would be right. But are you really trying to imprison the poor in their poverty, simply by making it more comfortable to subsist in, but more difficult to escape?
Poverty rates among the full time working poor are at half those of the population as a whole. When you adjust for entitlements like the earned income credit and expanded Medicaid, the poverty rates are less than a quarter of those without a job. The number one reason people enter poverty is the loss of a job. The number one reason people escape poverty is getting a full time job.
You are wrong about the American people. The vast majority of Americans declare themselves as “independent”. They are not ideologues of the left or the right… and that group is the one growing not the other two.